Gerard A. Athaide is a Professor of Marketing at and a Research Fellow at the at Syracuse University . His teaching and research interests focus on innovation management, digital transformation, and new product development. He has taught courses on Innovation Management, New Product Development and Management, and Technology and Innovation Management in the undergraduate, graduate, and Executive MBA programs. His teaching excellence has been recognized with several awards including the Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching (2019) and the Harry W. Rogers III Distinguished Teacher of the Year award (2010).
Gerard has published several articles on innovation that focus on the commercialization of technology-based innovations, seller-buyer relationships during new product development, and developing effective brand names for new products.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D., Syracuse University
Representative Publications
Athaide, Gerard A., Jaihyun Jeon, S.P. Raj, K. Sivakumar, and Guiyang Xiong (forthcoming), “Digital Technologies and Marketing Innovations: A Systematic Review of Empirical Research,” Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Raj, S.P. and Gerard A. Athaide (2022), “Innovation’s domain: The need for a sharper yet broader focus,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39, 485-488.
Wijekoon, Amali, Salunke, S., and Gerard A. Athaide (2021), “Customer heterogeneity and innovation‐based competitive strategy: A review, synthesis, and research agenda,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38 (3), 315-333.
Klink, Richard R., Zhang, Jason Q. and Gerard A. Athaide (2020), “Measuring Customer Experience Management and Its Impact on Financial Performance,” European Journal of Marketing, 55 (3), 840-867.