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Reading Warriors

PROGRAM DATES: June 17-July 24th, Tuesdays and

Wednesdays 2-4PM

Reading Warriors is a literacy and language group that will help children aged 7-9 practice essential reading and writing skills while using interactive and motivating materials. Some areas addressed will be: decoding, reading fluency and word recognition, vocabulary, reading comprehension and written expression.

Dates: June 17-July 24th, Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2-4PM

Location: Loyola Notre Dame Library, 200 Winston Ave, Baltimore, MD 21212

Cost: $240, due at registration, by April 30th. Save $40 if registered by April 1st.

SPACE IS LIMITED. You will receive a phone call or email to confirm your childs space in the program and complete payment to secure your child's spot. Completion of this form does not guarantee enrollment in the program. We offer a sliding scale though families must complete necessary paperwork to determine eligibility.